Monday, June 16, 2014

I Graduated High School!

Two weeks ago I graduated high school. It's been long and it's been short. It's been stressful and it's been fun. It's weird to think that I've been at my school for four years. I can still remember the awkwardness that was me on the first day of freshman year.

College is the next step for me. I will be living miles away from home and even though I am excited to be living on my own I can't shake the feeling of anxiety. How do you transitions to this big change? No one to cook dinner for me, no one to do my laundry (I know; I should have learned how to do my own laundry by now. Don't worry, it's one of my summer to-do's), no one to be there when I miss my family. On the other hand I am super excited to meet new people and see what living on my own is like.

One of the things that I didn't think about until now is that the friends I made in high school might not be there 24/7 anymore. My best friend and I are going to different colleges in different states. It's weird not being able to see your friend almost every day. Currently we have made it a plan to Skype in college and vow not to drift apart.

My question for you is have you graduated high school? Did you go to college? How was the transition? Easy/Hard? Did you still keep in touch with friends from high school? How? And finally, how was college, is it was you expected?

P.S. Sorry I don't have any photos. I don't want to put any picture of my graduation online because after all, this is the internet. I don't want people to know exactly where I live and what high school I went to. And there are some of my classmate in the photos, I don't want to put them on the internet without their consent.

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